A Beautiful Letter to Liz
Jan 31, 2010
I received this letter yesterday. It touched me so much that I asked if I could share it. When my own father passed away two years ago, I was so numb that I could barely function. Fortunately, my dear friends on the SMF Board thought to ask people to donate to SMF in his memory. This student’s father must have been an incredible man, and I am moved very deeply that his family chose SMF as his memorial. The money donated to us is a sacred trust, and never more so than when it is given in memory of someone loved.
Dear Liz,
I met you after one of your talks at my university, where I am a postgrad student in music. I teach private viola lessons and many of my students are currently participating in the “Practice for Peace” Fundraiser.
The checks in this envelope have been donated in memory of my father, who passed away this month. My parents are both from Poland, where they practiced law. In 1981, they escaped Poland because of the unstable political situation there. After 16 months in a refugee camp in Austria, they moved to the United States. Here, my father changed careers and became an accountant.
After a long battle with illness, my father passed away. He was always truly a music lover in every sense. He spent most of his time listening to and reading about music, history, and composers. When I told him about your organization and showed him the video on your website, he was deeply touched and said it is perfect. I know he would’ve wanted and would’ve been happy to know that people were donating to such an amazing cause in memory of him.