
SMF at the Alberta Music Teacher Conference!

SMF at the Alberta Music Teacher Conference!

Nov 07, 2010

Rhiannon and Rebekah Hatch With Me at the SMF Booth!

Every fall, I spend quite a bit of time doing public speaking—to schools, church groups, community clubs, universities, and pretty much anyplace people will sit down and listen to me.  This year, SMF’s wonderful friend and supporter, Alberta music teacher Barb Hatch, asked me to come to the Alberta Music Teachers Conference and man a booth about our program.  The convention lasts two days and today is day two.  Music teachers from all over Alberta attend this convention, as does the Alberta High School Honor Band, and so many teachers and students have stopped at our booth to ask what we are about.  I tell them about our programs in Kosovo, Uganda, and N Ireland, and about the opportunity they have to participate in PRACTICE FOR PEACE.

Rebekah Modeling T-Shirt Given to P4P Participants Who Raise $100 or More!

Barb made a lot of copies of our Practice for Peace Group Kit and the SMF DVD, so I’ve been handing them out right and left.  I expect a really great response from Alberta this year!

And it makes me want to do this more!  If you have a Music Teachers Conference or Convention in your state or city and would like to have a booth, please contact me.  It’s a fantastic way to spread the word about what we are doing and to get others involved.  And you really don’t need me to be at the booth, although I’m enjoying doing it and would love to do as many of these as I can when I’m in the US and Canada.

So just let me know.  And if you don’t know about PRACTICE FOR PEACE, please read about it on our website and download the kit and do it!

Barb Hatch With the SMF Booth!

Barb Hatch, here.   I just wanted to make a plug to any music teachers out there.  I noticed when I did a booth at this conference a couple of years ago that my name tag as an exhibitor also allowed me to attend all workshops at the conference.   This year,  flying Liz in to run the booth has turned it into an opportunity to reach two of my yearly personal goals—–get in one professional development event,  AND  give Liz some good SCHMOOZING  time in Alberta.  We’ve had a great weekend hanging out,  reintroducing Liz to Tim Horton’s donuts :)  and  especially meeting some wonderful people that we hope will become regular supporters of Practice for Peace!!